Agrobots at work in organic dynamic arable farming

Agrobots at work in organic dynamic arable farming

VOF van der Spek

About Van der Spek

Ewoud and Corina van der Spek grow a variety of organic field crops such as carrots, orange squash, peas, onions and the red-skinned Laura potatoes on their 35-acre arable farm. They think in terms of possibilities rather than limitations. They also run care farm De Zwaluw for people in need of day care and work intensively with relief farmers. Van der Spek is a SKAL certified company and has the Demeter label.

Ewoud van der Spek: “We like to involve our auxiliary farmers in our organic arable farm. It is extremely nice to be able to supply beautiful products in the region together! It gives satisfaction and a cleaner environment!”

Crop cultivation: Unions and peas
Segment: Organic dynamic arable farming

The use

Weed control in organic unions and peas.

The goal

The successful application of agro Robot One in various crops in cooperation with the auxiliary farmers.